WSCtoolkit was developed with the initial aim at my students in my Work Shop Course (WSC) at AU Herning.
As an assistant professor teaching the Work Shop Course (WSC) at AU Herning I made the WSCtoolkit application. WSCtoolkit gives basic information about basic electronic components.
With WSCtoolkit you'll be able to: Learn about Ohm's law, Resistors, Diodes, Capacitors, Inductors, First order filters, BJT transistor, OPAMPs, Oscilloscope, and a Multimeter Additionally to the theory a calculator is given which provides the most basic calculations:
Calculate voltage, current, ohm, power with the circle of Ohm's.
Calculate the size of resistors based on their colors.
Calculate the resulting resistor of resistors in parallel and series.
Calculate the resulting capacitor of capacitors in parallel and series.
Calculate the resulting inductor of inductors in parallel and series.
Calculate first order filter components based on cut-off frequencies or components.
Calculate the base resistor for BJT transistor used as a switch.
Calculate the resistors used in a BJT amplifier.
Calculate the amplification of an OPAMP amplifier or the components needed for a specific amplification.
New feature: Calculate the width of PCB traces!
WSCtoolkit also incorporates the CoOL application and a PCB trace width calculator.
WSCtoolkit was designed for iOS 4.3 prior to iPhone 5's 4" screen. (which is the reason for the bad fitted screenshots...)
It's been years ago since I released the first version - so yes - it's time to rethink the design, name and some of the content - and add a version for Android!